Sunday, March 29, 2009
Snow and more Birthday Wishes!

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Brother!

My brother lives in Houston and we don't see each other all the time, he is older than me by a lot
Friday, March 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Carolyn!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Jumpin' Jack (ie) Flash
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Yesterday's morning news

Me & Phoebe

so we decided to go take a look and see what the Jack Russell was like for ourselves that
afternoon after we
grabbed a bite of lunch.
Then we got to the shelter and there she was waiting to meet us after being on the television!
her name is Jackie, probably because she is a Jack Russell
my mom said, only like my mom can say, that dog is OLD!
she has no life,
it won't be around long enough and Karen will cry.
Okay, they all hate to see me cry......
I guess I am famous for that trait.....
they assured us she was only 6 years old and had only had one owner her whole life.....
well here she is......
among the daffodils
and she is full of life and fitting right into the groove at our house.
we have to work on the
part of her personality....
poor Phoebe
it's gonna be a long row to hoe
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Getting Close!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Oh my gosh, how sweet!
After we met TrainWreck and her Cowboy, Train Wreck gave me a box.
and a selection of her prints. They are wonderful and I am going to mat and frame them!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
They serve breakfast there too if you are by early.
Here we are looking at all the memorabilia at Sid's and enjoying the company of each other.
We got back in the car to head on down the road with our precious cargo.
are you wondering what we are delivering yet?
It is Gillie!
She is the best traveler that I have ever saw! She caused no problems and was just happy to be with us going on a big adventure.
So we are in Texas now and almost to Amarillo
......the wind is blowing and stirring all the dust south of us for miles
Amarillo and the panhandle are notorious for that.
We got to Amarillo by 3PM and checked into the motel. I got in touch with Gillie's
soon to be new family.

It is hard to give up such a sweet face as this!
Bill playing with her in our room.
I think at times Bill and I wanted to grab her and bolt out of there and take her back home....
Ross and Carolyn are the sensible ones of the 4..........
okay, so we have soft hearts and get attached but that is a good trait right?
We know Gillie is going to be happier with a family of kids, dogs and cats to play with instead of old people!
Funny how logic has nothing to do with the heart!
This little girl captured my heart in the month she has been around, but that wasn't hard .
She is one of the cutiest and smartest dogs I have been around at such a young age. She does something once and she has it down.
Here Gillie and I are waiting in anticipation to meet her new mommy and daddy!
I think I hear someone knocking on the door Gillie!

Are you ready to meet your new family?
Now you have figured out why she was named Gillie awhile back!
The Gillespies are her new family!
Here she is the next day after she was dumped playing in the yard at Mock's.
Who could do that to such a cute puppy?