Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Another Thanksgiving to be grateful

Pictured above is the historic Taj Mahul Hotel heavy attacked this past weekend in Mumbai along with several other sites in the city.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sheri, Mary and me.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING

This is at a Christmas party at my house in 1986.... Rita, Mary, Jess, me, Sheri, and Linda.
I saw Sheri a month ago when she was in Oklahoma getting her mothers things in order and sorted out after her mom went into a care facility. Her mom and her sister, Mary, live in the southern part of Oklahoma and Sheri came up to visit friends after she finished there. She was just a wreck and sick, but it was a lot of emotional stuff going on. It is hard to see your parents go down hill and not be the parent we had when we were children. We all go through life's various stages from being young silly girls to now past middle age adults worrying about our parents like they used to worry about us when we were young (and silly). It is a hard transition going from being cared for to being the ones doing the care giving and worrying. Sheri and Mary have had to watch their dear mother deal with her share of health problems and it is heart wrenching. It is physically and emotionally draining, but their mom seems to be very happy at this stage in her life Sheri says. Mary, Me, and Sheri at Mary's daughters wedding about 5 years ago
It has been short ever since.
So in this season of thanksgiving I give thanks for the friendship we have shared for close to 40 years.... wow that sounds unbelievable dosen't it! Time and miles keep us apart, but they are the sisters I got to choose.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saga of the Basement Remodel
We have to get the new ceiling lights figured out and then we can start on the ceiling. I really would like to put up a tongue and groove pine ceiling, but I don't think the budget will let us. The stock market has caused us to re-think the original plans for the remodel. We are cutting back on a lot of the plans, but we are going to replace the sliding doors to the outside. Those doors are 12 foot long! We will install 2 stationary windows and 1 set of french doors that are energy efficient and it will save enough on energy bills to make it worth the added cost. We will have the same amount of light just not such a huge hole in the wall! When they built the house in 1960 the idea for the original owners was to entertain in the basement with the doors wide open........that doesn't fit Oklahoma....too many bugs and mosquito's in summer! Actually I wanted to stop and not go ahead with this project, but we decided we needed to do it. My husband thinks I have no faith..but I do, I just like to be safe and not sorry later. You should have saw this place when we first looked at it! The basement was this old guys practice band had orange shag carpet half way up the walls....with dark cork above it with a little gold foil wallpaper here and there for good measure....that was way back in 1986! We did not buy it then...we got it in '92. So I did not have to be the one to tear that out. Hey, one day I will tell you about the master bedroom..........
We have gotten the ceiling out and the mess cleaned up! Actually that has been done for a week but we have been shopping for the furniture and found a good deal on a wall unit for our TV that we don't have yet... :) Oh well details, details....Originally we were going to build custom wall units in. We found we can buy pre-built cheaper than building it in and in this economy we went that route. We will just have to store it until the basement is done. Right now is a good time to be buying furniture if you can, things are tight for them and they are offering some substantial discounts.
The one I wanted was way too tall for our basement ceilings.......oh but it was so beautiful, but it was 10 ft tall and our basement ceiling is only 8 ft tall..........! It is this one and I wanted in black....and it did have 2 more extensions on each side that this one did not show, oh well I could not cut the top off could I? So we settled on this one hubby wanted....and it fit, so what can I say....

Don't you just hate it when what you want doesn't work out and the one your husband likes does? Oh well, I think this one will suit us well and it has tons of storage. It matches my other old things and it will blend in well with my other pieces of furniture.
Later I am going to show you what I want to do to the fireplace. I am sick, sick I tell you, of that ugly ORANGE tile fireplace! Don't you love the fireplace storage I have? :) I swear I will take that out before I build a fire! he he
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wildwood Cover Model
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Utah boy accidently killed at a school play
Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
3 houses........
Yes, that is hubby in his anti dust garb....who ever knew that a ceiling would be filled with tons and tons of sawdust! I mean tons and tons right on top of your head every time a piece of sheet rock comes down! Could you believe just how much first fell out when hubs pulled down that first sheet? No wonder I could never keep the house from being dusty! I guess when they built our house they would just sweep the sawdust from the sub floor installation down on top of the basement ceiling sheet rock....oh and there was mortar in it too from the upstairs fireplace... Now I know why you have to watch ever little thing when they are building a new house, I guess contractors thought why clean up when you can just hide it! So that has been hiding between our upstairs floor and the basement floor for 48 years! They must have been calling it insulation! So I am going to be vaccuming for the next 48 years to get it all out of the house!
to be continued................. :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Love this digital frame!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A tale of 2 sisters, twins that is...

Now aren't those the cutest little squirts you ever saw! Okay, okay, I remember their mom was almost that cute! :)
Taylr was the the baby who always said she was my girl. I mean how can you argue with that,
Karly always claimed she was my mom's special girl.... Aunt Dodi, she's mine!

those 2 have some kind of secret club I think....
I think the girls just did that to tease us... and try to get a buzz out of us telling us who was their was funny, we would laugh, and we all have been accused of favoritism but that isn't so, we love each other equally. We are bonded for life!

Taylr and Karly's first horse show and
ribbons........1st and 2nd place lead line.
They are the cutiest little cowgirls aren't they? I know I think all "my"
kids are the greatest, but hey, they are and don't try to tell me that they aren't!
They have Annie Oakley in their blood too! He haw!
They used to love to play dress up and then do photo sessions. That was always the most fun
They dressed up in all sorts of things I had around the house. I have an old hat
collection... that was their favorite spot when they hit the door, then outside they would go
me armed with our trusty camera.

but how do you get from this....

so quickly?????
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Cowgirls in Art and Life

I nagged my parents for a horse as a kid, every waking minute....I knew if I kept at it hopefully it would come true ...daylight to dusk...nag, nag, nag. My aunt and uncle were living in New Mexico and had an extra horse to feed and they called and asked if I could have it! Oh my gosh I am getting a horse... they were going to bring Wendy to me for my very own! I just did not realize Wendy was only a yearling and I couldn't ride her yet. Well the story of Wendy is interesting, she was a wild mustang caught as a very very young foal...I will leave that for another story later down the line, but the jest of this story is this. My dad had been looking for just the right horse for me already. None seemed to fit the criteria in his way of thinking. We looked at horse after horse. No, K that horse isn't right for you, you have no experience and I don't like that one. I thought any horse with 4 legs was a great horse (I was 11 yrs. old). Then one night we were sitting down to dinner just a week after Wendy had arrived and the telephone rang. Mom answered and said let me get W, it was a different uncle telling my dad about a horse he might come look at. It is a little registered 3 yr old grey Appaloosa mare that my boss took in trade for an unpaid propane bill. We have her locked in the fence at work and you will need to come quickly to look at her before he sells her. We jumped in the car the next morning and drove the 70 miles to see her. She was locked in the propane tank yard on gravel, and she was the most beautiful horse I had ever saw in my little eyes. Well the rest of the story was history because that little mare came home to our barn. She had been mistreated before and was not broke to ride, so the challenge for my dad was on, to get her ready for a dumb little girl who knew nothing about horses! My daddy could do it, he could do anything! Well he did do it, he was a great horseman, and come to find out Tequila hated most men....uh dad did fine with her, but no other men could ride her without an incident. The story was some teenage boys tied tires to her to make her buck. She trusted women and girls, just not men. It was so funny my grandma wanted me to change her name because it was Tequila! My Grandpa had to call her Twilla so he wouldn't catch any slack from Grandma! I loved that mare until the day she died. She provided me with tons of great memories and gave me lots of love and kept me out of trouble! I will forever love my little Appaloosa mare and she still lives in my heart!
my girl Tequila Twist

Butch Cassidy
John Wesley Hardin
Doc Holliday
Clyde Barrow
John F. Kennedy
so really which genes are my predominate ones?