Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Remembering Phoebe Cat

Phoebe, originally uploaded by ktsparks.
On a sad note to end the year we had to put Phoebe down yesterday. I am devastated and heartbroken. She came to us as a stray as a young kitten and our now deceased dog Kelsey adopted her. We always laughed at Phoebe because she was tailless and became a very fat cat with a little head and looked like a Budda with a beautiful face! She was soon to be 12 years old. She developed like so many older cats kidney problems and she was not going to get any better. She lost her toilet training habits and it was time. I just don't accept this sort of thing very well. I am missing those beautiful green eyes and that cute little coral nose of hers.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My parents bought the home I grew up in when I was 2 years old just 3 1/2 months shy of my 3rd birthday. It was a time in 1954 when housing was still hard to come by because of the depression and then the War came along and took everything and anything for the effort. Building materials had been in very short supply to do anything for a few years afterward.  The late 1940's was a time for housing to start up for all the new parents having us baby boomers.

I am sure my parents felt lucky to be able to have a newer home of their own as a young family with 2 young children. After my parents moved back to Oklahoma from Washington state my dad went to work for a company in our hometown. He soon became unhappy with that job and wanted to have his own business. He bought a tractor with a grading blade and started out grading yards for houses being built in our area before he branched out..

It wasn't until a little later that my mom remembered standing under a tree holding me as a baby, while my dad worked a yard in that area, that it was the very tree in the yard of our house where we now lived! 

So I guess in some form or another my whole life up until now was connected to the little house I grew up in. 

My brother lived there until he went away to the big city to work.  I love our little town and Oklahoma, I only had a desire to move away once, to New Mexico, but talked myself out of it fairly quickly when I was in my twentys.

That tree in our yard was the backdrop for lots of funny photos of me and Frisky our beloved family dog.  This one I was in my new GO GO boots and who ever thought those were cool???  Well, we all had to have them!

There were lots of wonderful memories on that block as kids playing and all our friends. 

We rode bicycles all over the place, when I got the horses I would even bring them home from the barn.  Pssst  ....a secret not to tell mom, I even had the horse in the den when I was a kid....thank goodness it didn't leave any telling signs....  my mom would have died!!!! stupid kid!  I must have been a dork, really a dork!

My parents remodeled the place several times and it really doesn't look much at all like it did as a kid, but the memories are all still there.  The pits on the cement of the carport where daddy did his welding are still there, even though he has been gone from us for 23 years. Daddy is all over that place and so is the memory of his life with us.

Places really don't mean anything, it is the memories you carry in your heart and mind.  We had a lot of love shown to us there, but we still have that.

Today after my mom owning the house for 55 years.....
sold it, and now lives across the street from
hubby and me.  It is so much more convient for all of us
and we will miss the old home place, but we can still drive by and visit it.  I hope the new family are happy there, we were.

Oh, by the way the tree had to be taken down about 4 years ago when it got a disease.  Pine trees are no fun to cut down either!